LAUSD Strategic Plan for Parent Engagement and Involvement Vision Every school embraces a collaborative culture for students, parents, teachers, staff and community that sustains quality parental involvement and promotes the social, emotional, and academic growth of our children.
Mission: The District will build capacity and create tools to foster partnerships among families, schools, and communities that result in shared responsibilities for student, school, and community success.
Core Values: Respect; Equity; Diversity; Collaboration; Trust; Honesty; Initiative; Integrity; Transparency; and Accountability
Beliefs: · Parents and schools have a shared responsibility for the academic achievement of their children. · Parents are their children’s first teacher and should be respected as valuable and necessary assets to their children’s education. · Parents, regardless of education level, socio-economic status, ethnicity or culture, must be empowered by schools to support their child’s education. · Parents have the right to be involved and informed about school policies and their children’s academic progress. · Parents have the right to hold schools accountable for a welcoming, safe and quality learning environment. · Parents have a right to be meaningfully engaged in the decision-making process of the school. · Parents and families benefit when schools serve as a resource for the entire community and the community serves as a resource for schools.
Los Angeles Unified School District School, Family and Parent/Community Services Parent Community Services Branch 1360 W. Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026 (866) 669-7272 or (213) 481-3350
LAUSD Strategic Plan for Parent Engagement and Involvement |