LAUSD Strategic Plan for Parent Engagement and Involvement
Vision, Mission, Core Values, and Beliefs


Every school embraces a collaborative culture for students, parents, teachers, staff and community that sustains quality parental involvement and promotes the social, emotional, and academic growth of our children.



The District will build capacity and create tools to foster partnerships among families, schools, and communities that result in shared responsibilities for student, school, and community success.


Core Values:   Respect; Equity; Diversity; Collaboration; Trust; Honesty; Initiative; Integrity; Transparency; and Accountability



· Parents and schools have a shared responsibility for the academic achievement of their children.

· Parents are their children’s first teacher and should be respected as valuable and necessary assets to their children’s education.

· Parents, regardless of education level, socio-economic status, ethnicity or culture, must be empowered by schools to support their child’s education.

· Parents have the right to be involved and informed about school policies and their children’s academic progress.

· Parents have the right to hold schools accountable for a welcoming, safe and quality learning environment.

· Parents have a right to be meaningfully engaged in the decision-making process of the school.

· Parents and families benefit when schools serve as a resource for the entire community and the community serves as a resource for schools.




Text Box: Core Values:   Respect; Equity; Diversity; Collaboration; Trust; Honesty; Initiative; Integrity; Transparency;

Text Box:                          and Accountability



Text Box: Mission:          The District will build capacity and create tools to foster partnerships among families, schools,

Text Box:                         and communities that result in shared responsibilities for student, school, and community success.

Los Angeles Unified School District

School, Family and Parent/Community Services

Parent Community Services Branch

1360 W. Temple Street

Los Angeles, CA 90026

(866) 669-7272   or (213) 481-3350


Text Box: To Contact Us:




LAUSD Strategic Plan for Parent Engagement and Involvement