Federal Resources
Call 1 (800) FED INFO 1-800-333-4636) for any Question about Government
ED was created in 1980 by combining offices from several federal agencies. ED's mission is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access. 1-800-USA-LEARN (1-800-872-5327) TTY: 1-800-437-0833
State of California Resources
Parent Involvement Resource Centers (PIRC) Find out about state-developed resources to support parental involvement at schools.
Resources by the state of California for Californians
California Department of Education The Core Purpose of the California Department of Education is to lead and support the continuous improvement of student achievement, with a specific focus on closing achievement gaps.
California Department of Education General: 916-319-0800
The California State PTA (California Congress of Parents, Teachers, and Students, Inc.) is a branch of the National PTA, serving as a connecting link between the national organization and its membership within the state. 2327 L Street
LAUSD Resources
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has made a commitment that all students within our district have access to high quality, safe and supervised educational, enrichment and recreational programs that engage and inspire learning and achievement beyond the regular school day.
Los Angeles Unified School District
Federal and State Education Programs Welcome to the Los Angeles Unified School District, Federal and State Educational Programs, Branch. As you navigate and scroll through the Website, look for hyperlinks that will allow you to visit and download technical data from our different web pages and sites.
333 South Beaudry Ave. 16th Floor Ph: (213) 241-6990 Fax: (213) 241-8032
The Language Acquisition Branch is comprised of a central office and another unit of professionals committed to improving services for the District’s English learners. This unit is the Asian Pacific and Other Languages (APOLO) and Dual Language Programs Office. The Language Acquisition Branch promotes academic excellence, equity, and access for the District’s 326,893 English learners.
333 South Beaudry Ave. 25th Floor Phone: (213) 241-5582 FAX: (213) 241-7561
Academic English Mastery and Proficiency
The Office of Academic English Mastery and Proficiency Plus provides direct support to Academic English Mastery Program schools through ongoing, comprehensive professional development and training for administrators, teachers, coaches, parents and other support staff relative to meeting the cultural, linguistic, and academic needs of students and eliminating achievement and proficiency gaps.
333 South Beaudry Ave. Phone: (213) 241-3340 FAX: (213) 241-8495
The mission of Early Childhood Education is to provide a high quality early education program to maximize school readiness.
333 South Beaudry Ave., 16th Floor Ph: (213) 241-8172 Fax: (213) 241-6853
The Office of Student Integration Services is in charge of the District’s court-ordered integration programs such as Magnet and Permits With Transportation Programs and seven Predominantly Hispanic, Black, Asian, And Other Non-Anglo (PHBAO) programs; Medical-Counseling, Organizing and Recruiting (Med-COR), a collaborative with the University of Southern California for students interested in the health care fields.
333 South Beaudry Ave., 16th Floor Ph: (877) 462-4798
Network for Healthy California Welcome! Join the Network for a Healthy California—LAUSD in our mission to increase healthy eating and physical activity among pre-K through 12th grade students throughout the Los Angeles Unified School District. Our goal is to motivate children to eat more fruits and vegetables and enjoy 60 minutes of physical activity every day. This Web site is designed to provide everyone – whether you’re a teacher, parent or kid – all of the tools needed to get moving toward a healthier lifestyle!
6651-C Balboa Blvd.
The Mission of Los Angeles Unified School District Nursing Services is to strengthen and facilitate the educational process by improving and protecting the health status of children and by identifying and assisting in the elimination or modification of health-related barriers to learning.
1430 S. San Julian St. # 1, 2
The Transportation Branch supports the District's academic programs by providing safe, dependable, and cost-efficient transportation services. The Branch strives for 100% on-time arrival of school buses to pick-up and drop-off students.
2710 Media Center Drive, Suite 100
Additional background materials and research on family support are available at the following websites:
Coalition for Community Schools http://www.communityschools.org/aboutschools/what_is_a_community_school.aspx Community Schools Collaboration Partnership for Children and Youth http://www.partnerforchildren.org/what-we-do/community-school-initiatives Center for Community School Partnerships
The California State PTA (California Congress of Parents, Teachers, and Students, Inc.) is a branch of the National PTA, serving as a connecting link between the national organization and its membership within the state. 2327 L Street
Our vision is to build a better future for California by providing exceptional leadership, advocacy and support for the Board of Governors and California’s community colleges. These efforts will foster access, success and lifelong learning for all students while simultaneously advancing the state’s interests in a skilled workforce and an educated citizenry. The System Office will deliver valuable human and financial resources to support college programs, research, policy development and the use of emerging technology throughout the California community colleges. System Office
InmigrantInfo.org http://www.immigrantinfo.org/index.html IRIS strives to improve the lives of immigrants and all residents of Santa Clara County by recognizing and appreciating the contributions of immigrants, educating all Santa Clara County residents about the backgrounds, values, and life conditions of immigrants in Santa Clara County, and fostering multicultural community. By assessing and addressing the specific human needs of immigrants and by maximizing collaboration, IRIS seeks to enhance the potential and enrich the lives of all county residents.
2310 North First Street, Suite 104 Ph: (408) 792-2300
http://www.bilingualeducation.org/ The California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE) is a non-profit organization incorporated in 1976 to promote bilingual education and quality educational experiences for all students in California. CABE has 5,000 members with over 60 chapters/affiliates, all working to promote equity and student achievement for students with diverse cultural, racial, and linguistic backgrounds. CABE recognizes and honors the fact that we live in a rich multicultural, global society and that respect for diversity makes us a stronger state and nation. 16033 E. San Bernardino Road
Los Angeles Unified School District School, Family and Parent/Community Services Parent Community Services Branch 1360 W. Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026 (866) 669-7272 or (213) 481-3350
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