I would like to warmly welcome you to the Nora Sterry Elementary School website. We are happy you came to visit our webpage.
I would like to warmly welcome you to the Nora Sterry Elementary School website. We are happy you came to visit our webpage.
As the principal at Nora Sterry, I must tell you our school is a wonderful place for students to begin their journey of compensatory education. The staff is very dedicated to the well being and education of our students. We have been a Title 1 Achievement school for the past six years. We offer a variety of enrichment programs along with a rigorous academic curriculum. Our expectations are that all students will be reading and attain Proficient or Advanced on the California Standards Assessments, however we cannot do this alone. We welcome the support of our parents and community.
We invite you to visit our beautiful campus at any time, but in the interim enjoy the virtual tour.
Nora Sterry Elementary
We are located at 1730 Corinth Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90025
Phone: 310.473.2172
Fax: 310.444.1988
Click on the link to visit our new website www.sterryelementary.org