Los Angeles Unified School District School, Family and Parent/Community Services Parent Community Services Branch 1360 W. Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026 (866) 669-7272 or (213) 481-3350
Central and Local District Advisory Committees |
District Advisory Committee (DAC) The DAC, in accordance with the Title 1 Parent Involvement Policy, will provide the coordination, technical assistance, and other support necessary, to assist participating schools in the planning and implementation of effective parent involvement.
District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) The committee will assist and advise in the development and implementation of the District Master Plan for the Education of English Learners (ELs). The committee will assist in obtaining the cooperation and coordination of all available resources in the community and the District in order to implement an effective and viable District Master Plan Program. Parent Collaborative The purpose of the Parent Collaborative is to bring together parent representatives from the Local Districts and organizations that show a common purpose and commitment to public education and the health and welfare of all children in the Los Angeles Unified School District. Community Advisory Committee for Special Education The CAC, mandated by California law, serves to maintain an ongoing interaction between educators and parents and to advise the District on the development of its Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) Local Plan and Annual Services and Budget Plans. The CAC holds a monthly informational and training meeting open to parents and staff from the Local Districts. These meetings are a forum for a mutual exchange of information.
The responsibilities of the CAC are to understand the policies of the Los Angeles Unified School District; know their rights; become aware of their options; influence legislation; learn about programs; advise the District; meet administrators and staff; network with other parents; and effect education policy
Special Education Multicultural Advisory Committee In compliance with Federal and State laws, the SEMAC was established to advise the Division of Special Education on issues related to students with disabilities who are English Language Learners and their families of diverse languages and cultures. The SEMAC meets for ongoing interaction between educators and parent participants from the local schools. The SEMAC holds a monthly informational and training meeting open to parents and staff from the Local Districts on the first Wednesday of each month. SEMAC is an organization of parents and professionals from diverse language and cultural backgrounds. The goals of the SEMAC are to promote quality education for all students; provide a resource and support network for families of special needs children; provide a forum for parents to share their concerns, ask questions and work with educational professionals to find answers; and to offer advice to the Division of Special Education on issues related to families and students and their rights.
Local District Compensatory Education Advisory Committee (LDCEAC) The LAUSD Title I Parental Involvement Policy outlines the responsibility of the LDCEAC to provide the coordination, technical assistance, and any other support necessary to assist participating Title I and/or State Compensatory Education funded schools in the planning and implementation of effective parental involvement. Each LDCEAC is a subcommittee of the District Advisory Committee. The committee includes one parent and/or community representative from every school with a Compensatory Education Advisory Committee.
Local District English Learner Advisory Committee (LDELAC) LAUSD has established the creation of eight LDELAC’s to provide assistance and advice to the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) in the development and implementation of the District Master Plan for the Education of English Learners (ELs). The committee includes one parent representative from every school with more than 20 identified English Learner students.
Parent Community Advisory Committee (PCAC) The PCAC’s serve as conduits linking the Local Districts with the parents and community. The councils review the fiscal plans and have input into the performance review of Local District Superintendents, primarily in the area of how effectively the Local District Superintendent engages, interacts, and communicates with schools, parents and community members. Every effort is made to ensure that the council membership includes parents of students with special needs and is representative of the gender, ethnicity and diversity of the Local District. |
Local District |
August Agendas |
August Minutes |
September Agendas |
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October Agendas |
October Minutes |
November Agendas |
November Minutes |
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Local District |
December Agendas |
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January Agendas |
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February Agendas |
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March Agendas |
March Minutes |
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Local District |
April Agendas |
April Minutes |
May Agendas |
May Minutes |
June Agendas |
June Minutes |
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